Monday, October 13, 2014

Memoir Monday

My passion for books and writing led me to write for people involved in something else dear to my heart..teaching. Writing for children and young adults is my drive. I love their world.  It's energizing. I never dreamt that I would consider writing what I am now... my memoir.

A ran across an online course about writing memoirs and dismissed it immediately. However, the course pulled at the back of my mind until I could no longer ignore it. I signed up. Now that I'm on lesson four, I've decided to step out again and share it with my readers.

Everyone has a story to tell. Mine, like many others, involves more than one tragedy that has shaped who I am. Through each tragic event I've learned to step out and have faith in what will be. In fact, I hung onto that faith like a lifeline. The only thing that kept me afloat or I would've succumbed and drowned.

To not tell my story would be a disservice to my loved ones who suffered and the affect their lives had on mine.  After all, I am who I am today because of them.

I invite my readers to join me on my journey into unchartered territory...telling my own story. Memoir Monday will hold me accountable to this journey as I plan to post part of my memoir the first Monday of the month.

I hope to see you next week.

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