Congratulations to Jacky Pett, the winner of my children's book, The Time Travel Storm.
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." -Maya Angelou
I love to write. Even when I'm not writing, I'm writing. No matter what I'm doing, my mind drifts to a story. I make sure I'm prepared for my mind drifts by carrying a small notebook with me to jot down my ideas.
There are times though, when my writing doesn't flow or feels forced. It's easy to give up or doubt myself. I just finished reading a book called You Are a Writer So Start Acting Like One by Jeff Goins. In his book Jeff talks about being true to your voice. I recognize that those times when my writing feels forced is when I'm not being true to who I am as a writer. The story that I have to tell comes from within me. No matter what is "hot" at the moment, I need to stick to my voice and my story.
This book has inspired my to write what I know and believe in myself.